Recommended Websites

Our Recommended Websites:

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  • This is the website is run by the American Academy of Pediatrics for parents and pediatricians alike. It contains multiple sources of information as well as a symptom checker and other great resources for parents.

  • American Academy of Pediatrics: A great website for pediatric topics that are current and up to date. Most pediatricians are members of the A.A.P. and use this organization to further our own education as well as to promote the welfare of our patients.

  • Centers for Disease Control: This site can be used in order to research topics regarding multiple health and safety topics like Birth Defects, Diseases and Conditions, Environmental Health, Health Promotion, and Vaccines and Immunizations.

  • Keep Kids Healthy: A website directed to the consumer that has straightforward explanations of common childhood health problems with lots of practical tips.

  • WebMD: This site has a wide range of health-related information for the entire family. It's written in a newsy and contemporary style and is worth checking out.